What are the benefits of reed root?

By JUMAKIR, S Pd., MM 24 Jan 2023, 09:23:19 WIB tumbuhan
What are the benefits of reed root?

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KANGJO.NET, Kelua City of Tabalong. Reeds are known as plants that have many benefits. In some large areas, reeds are also known as weeds or meadows. Its characteristics are plants about 1-2 meters high and slightly similar to rice and are also often found sharing a living with rice plants. Did you know, it turns out that most of the benefits and properties are found in the roots of reeds.

Even though it grows as a parasitic plant that disturbs nearby plants, it turns out that the benefits of reeds for health are quite useful, one of which is with its roots. So you need to know this especially for those of you who have a lot of these wild plants. For more details, please refer to the benefits and efficacy of the following reed roots.

1. Nosebleed Medicine

Nosebleeds have many causes, nosebleeds can be an early sign of a more dangerous disease and must be acted upon quickly. For ordinary nosebleed problems, you can try an alternative to reed roots. The method is easy, prepare at least 30 grams of reed roots, wash them and then boil about 3 cups of water, let it leave 1 cup and drink the boiled water.

2. As a medicine for gonorrhea

As with nosebleeds, symptoms of gonorrhea can be from a serious illness. But there's no need to panic, you can use the reed root treatment method to prevent unwanted. The trick is to prepare 300 gr of the roots then cut into small pieces, boil and mix with rock sugar and then let it cool down. Just drink 3 times a day on a regular basis until the gonorrhea disappears.

3. Medicine for Vomiting Blood

According to experts, the content of the roots of reeds is effective in dealing with stomach disorders, one of which is vomiting blood. The recipe you can try is to prepare 30-70 grams of grass roots, then cut them into small pieces and boil them in 3 cups of water until only about 1 cup remains. Drink when it's cold and do it regularly until the vomiting of blood disappears.

4. Effective in Treating Kidney Inflammation

The treatment of weed roots when dealing with kidney problems is very effective, even effective in dealing with severe kidney inflammation. In the same way as above, prepare 30 grams or enough grass roots, cut into small pieces, boil with 3 cups of water until 1 cup remains, then drink it regularly 3 times a day. But still check the state of your disease.

5. Overcome Blood Urinary

Not only is it effective in treating gonorrhea, it turns out that the roots of weeds are also effective in treating blood in urine. Blood in the urine can occur for many reasons, generally due to bleeding in the body. The recipe method is to prepare dried reed roots and then boil them with 2 cups, add 3 slices of tang kwe, a kind of white pumpkin or beligu, until it boils, leaving 1 cup of water. Drink regularly 2 times a day until the blood urine is gone.

6. Treat Non-Smooth Urine

For those of you who have problems where urination is not smooth, maybe using the weed root method can help. The method is easy, prepare 30-50 weed roots that have been dried in the sun and then boiled with 2 cups until only 1 cup remains. Before drinking, strain it first then let it cool and drink it regularly 2 times a day until healed.

7. As a medicine for diarrhea

The roots of thatch contain substances that can help your stomach stay in prime condition. Just like the previous methods, prepare some weeds and then boil and drink it regularly. The thick taste of guava leaves, the roots of weeds are very helpful for the stomach.

8. As a continuous urine drug

There is a condition where this one disease is very disturbing. If you experience it, try using the roots of the weeds as a medicine. The content in the roots of reeds is indeed very helpful for the kidney system in the body.

9. As a medicine for inflammation of the liver

Not only is it effective in treating kidney inflammation, several inflammatory diseases or bleeding in other vital organs are also effective in curing reed roots. The trick is to prepare the roots of the weeds to taste, boil and drink it regularly.

10. As a drug for high blood pressure (hypertension)

For those of you who have high blood pressure problems, surely the most appropriate healing answer is lifestyle and eating must be maintained. To support, you can try the root of the weeds as a herbal remedy for your self-pressure. The trick is to prepare the roots of the weeds, boil to taste, drink it regularly.


SOURCE : https://www.khasiat.co.id/akar/alang-alang.html



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